Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Capital punishment

Capital punishment is a harshly charge for the one who convicted a crime. There are several reasons why I say this. First, “eye for an eye” is not always worked. According to the current Texas Constitution, “only the crime of ‘capital murder’ or a second conviction for the rape of someone under 14 is eligible for the death penalty.” Looking in the bright side, putting capital punishment on someone does not solve the crime of that person. Of course that person needs to pay for what they have done. If we execute that person, then he/she does not have time to think about what he/she has done, and he/she may not feel guilty for what he/she has done either. Texas Government should change from execution to life time prison. Putting people in prison for life is a good way to get that person pay for what they have done, also, time for them to re-think and regret, guilty of what they have done. Life time in prison also keeps them from convicting any other crime, so we don’t have to worry about them either. Second, killing someone is a crime and against religious even if that person is a good or a bad person. As a Catholic, I believe in the second life, the life after death. People will pay for what they have done now when they die; either they will be in heaven, or they will be burn in hell. In that case, why do we need to execute them now to get our hand bloody? Why don’t we let the second life execute them? Third, the cost for execution is relatively high. The cost per execution for drugs used is $86.08. That’s true. Base on the statistic in 1991, “the Texas criminal justice system estimated the cost of appealing capital murder at $2,316,655. In contrast, the cost of housing a prisoner in a Texas maximum security prison single cell for 40 years is estimated at $750,000.” That is a huge difference. Why would we waste our tax money in capital punishment? The Texas Government should eliminate capital punishment, and making life in prison is the highest charge for any crime. In that way, we can save money for other disaster, and as a human being, we don’t kill each other.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In response to “Vote No to Proposition 2”

In JBT's Blog Bleeds Burnt Orange, I’ve read the article “Vote No to Proposition 2,” and I strongly agree with the writer on this argument. We all know that the City of Austin wants to stop funding the Domain’s new-site; this is one of the disadvantages that the City of Austin has made. As the writer mentions: “Looking at the big picture, the Domain is bringing new job opportunities to Austin. This will bring money back to the community,” this is so true if we want to bring our economic up. The economy mostly bases on the jobs, and the money earn by those workers. In that case, the Domain provides people opportunity to work and earn money. When the Domain first opens, it sounds like a “high class” shopping center, but once you get to shop at the Domain, it is not that all “high-class” merchandise which people cannot afford to pay. It is very convenient to shop there. The shopping center now has some store that applicable for all classes shopper: upper-class, middle-class, and working-class shopper. There are some other stores that are going to build in the Domain, so it is even more convenient to the people. We would all vote No to Proposition 2 to provide people opportunity to work, to shop, to bring our economic up, and making Austin looks nicer with the convenient shopping center.