Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Don't Phone and Drive" entry

In response to “Don’t Phone and Drive” in There’s No Place Like Texas blog. I agree with Natasha in her claim, Texas should pass law to ban talking on the phone while driving. In her blog, Natasha states that she has slammed on her brake so many times because she was not pay attention to what happen on the road. On the phone while driving is as danger as drunk-driving. On the phone while driving is very distracting drivers’ ability to respond to an action. According to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, “cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year.” Drivers talking on cell phones were 18% slower to react to break lights. Also, one study shows that “chatty motorists are less adept than drunken drivers with blood alcohol levels exceeding 0.08.” We can see how danger it is with driving and talking on the phone at the same time. Another solution that Natasha brings up is “I believe by requiring a hands free unit while driving will decrease car accidents because people will start paying more attention to the roads.” This solution is help as well as bans the use of cell phone while driving completely. Natasha has done a good job in bringing the problem and the solution to the problem. Her entry is applying well to students because students tend to talk and drive at the same time.

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